Friday, November 21, 2014

Meet Our ACAN Team: NAACP

Today, we will be focusing our attention towards the Aurora Coverage Assistance Site Network (ACAN), which has five collaborative teams each working under the ACAN umbrella. We interviewed, Dwight, from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).  Dwight's efforts and experience greatly increases our chance for success during this open enrollment period. We appreciate Dwight and his organization, and look forward to working with them for Enrollment 2015.


Excerpt from  Founded Feb. 12. 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest, largest and most widely recognized grassroots-based civil rights organization. Its more than half-million members and supporters throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities, campaigning for equal opportunity and conducting voter mobilization.

Q&A with the Health Coverage Guide for NAACP: Dwight Gentry

Dwight Gentry from NAACP

How does being a Health Coverage Guide for the NAACP bridge the coverage gap in the Aurora community?

It bridges the gap by bringing the information to the public through presentations and education. While there are a lot of people who need medical care, not a lot of people understand the value of health insurance. Additionally, they don't value insurance because they view it as another bill, and think they may be invincible. 

What parts of your job do you find the most rewarding? 

Helping the immigrant population and assisting young adults who are willing to listen. I've enrolled many individuals in the immigrant populations, and as word spreads throughout the community, trust also grows. I try to help them to the best of my abilities with the resources and tools I have available to me.

Tell me a success story. 

One success story involves two young people who were brought in by their grandparents. They were under their grandparents care, and they wanted me to discuss the value of health insurance with their grandchildren. I was able to enroll both grandchildren into Connect for Health. 

What kind of outreach events do you hold within your community?

I have had presentations to organizations, colleges, NAACP meetings, schools, churches, libraries. I have also done flyering, handouts, and tabling events within the Aurora community. I have covered almost every point of contact within the community. I feel that word of mouth has been the most successful outreach method. Building trust and relationships is the most important within this community. 

What key events are coming up within your organization 

We have the Aurora Mall enrollment event for January. The date will be updated as soon as it is finalized. 

Black Educators Group: Monday- November 24th 

Five Points Lions Club:  November 25th 


Posted by Shiny Mathew